Adult education is a key component of LLL and has a key role within all the EU strategies starting from Lisbon. It’s considered a “public good” and a public responsibility, with a cultural mediation role and a support social capital growth in terms of an increase of citizen participation, better health conditions and higher level of wealth and individual realization feeling, which are typical feature of Nonprofit. Despite the increasing attention of the EU towards LLL, today adult education is not developed enough. NOPROS intends to facilitate the access to LLL and the acquaintance of key and transversal competencies by using the Nonprofit sector as a tool.

Target: Adults (aged more than 30)

The main outputs are:


  • NOPROS Learning Circles methodology: as a democratic and emancipatory method and arena for learning, particularly among adults. This methodology will be integrated with positive group work skills, to develop self-confidence, strong creative verbal & physical vocabulary, imaginative thinking;
  • 5 NOPROS Learning Circles Curricula: each of them dealing with specific feature and areas of interventions of the Non-Profit sector for achieving key & transversal competencies.

Short term impact: advantages of the NOPROS learning circles methodology for both the organizations and stakeholders dealing with LLL and the “adults community” to be involved in the experimentation. Each partner will be in charge of setting up an experimentation environment for testing at least 2 LC curricula.

Long term impact: the further beneficiaries will be reached during the dissemination and thanks to the setting up of the e-Learning Circles for contributing to the EU strategies for enhancing the quality of training offer and for increasing the adults participating to LLL.

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This website reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.