Special Education Needs (SEN) Project

Background Experience

My Child, Chike, was born premature and was in an incubator for 3 months. During her time in the incubator, she suffered a severe brain damage and that was the beginning of our challenge in the family.

My wife gave up her job to look after her full-time and I became the sole bread winner.

At the time of her primary school, we visited one school after another looking for a suitable place for her education. It was this time that we discovered that many of the schools did not have the right personnel, in terms of training, experience and patience, to educate a Special Education Needs child.

This fact was confirmed by many of the Headteachers we discussed with; and this led to me becoming a
consultant to the European Union on special education needs working with schools, colleges, universities and private companies in Europe for over 15 years.

It is this experience that De-Charles resources Ltd is sharing with schools and colleges in the United kingdom.







