We have consultants who are specialist in recruitment and selection processes
We would have to attract the right candidates and build relationships with them. Nine out of ten, such candidates can be found on our database otherwise our headhunting activity will be initiated – identifying and approaching suitable candidates who may already be in work; or advertise in the social media, newspapers, websites, magazines etc.
To ensure that the right candidates are recruited, we receive and review applications, manage interviews and create a shortlist of applicants. References are requested and the suitability of applicants checked against agreed criteria before submitting their details to you. We brief candidates about their responsibilities, salary and benefits of the job. If candidates meet our expectations, CVs are prepared and sent to clients.
Once you have made your decision, candidates will be informed, in writing, the result of their applications and interviews. We also advice and assist in negotiating pay, salary rates and other benefits and finalise arrangements between you and potential employee. In the case of international recruitment, we make travel arrangements for the employee.