The continuous professional development and training of our teachers is one of our strategies for ensuring that teachers keep on top of their profession. Our teachers benefit from the following free training and many more:
  • Behaviour management – understanding anger.
  • Teaching skills and character remodelling.
  • Classroom organisation and people management, self-esteem development.
  • Effective communication skills, responding appropriately to stress and other issues relating to the profession.
  • Laws relating to new government initiatives and directives.

European Partnership Projects

De-Charles is currently working with institutions in 14 European countries such as Italy, Ireland, Latvia, Turkey, Spain, Portugal, Greece, Romania, Finland, Poland, Iceland, Austria, Slovenia and Germany in the areas of information exchange and sharing of experience through study visits, seminars and in-service training for teachers of Special Education Need (SEN). Our teachers are encouraged to attend some of these seminars/workshops where opportunities exist to network and share information with fellow professions in Europe.